5 things to stop doing in 2022

Olena Mytruk
2 min readDec 31, 2021

A couple weeks ago we published a post about 5 things to start doing in 2022. Well, we thought the story would not be complete without a list of 5 things to STOP doing in 2022 😀 So, here we go!

Repeat after us:

In 2022 I will stop:

Judging Yourself

Way too often we focus on things where we seem to fail instead of focusing on successes.

We judge ourselves for what we do wrong, rather than reward ourselves for what we do right.

It’s time to stop that — let the year 2022 be the year when you really start to love yourself and take care of yourself!

Comparing yourself to others

You are unique, your journey is unique, your needs are unique. What works for others will not necessarily work for you.

Don’t be afraid to find your own way of doing things, and don’t believe all those pretty pictures or posts on social media of someone else’s perfect life — you don’t even know if they are real!

Pushing too hard

Stepping out of your comfort zone is fine, but in order to do that we first need to spend some time IN our comfort zone.

Stop pushing yourself too hard.

Create a pace that’s sustainable for you. Make your journey a true part of your lifestyle. Only then will you be able to succeed in the long term.

Putting things off

What is that hobby that you always wanted to try? Or that business idea that you have been dreaming of, but never had the courage to actually pursue?

Now is the time to do it!

Remember, you will never be 100% ready, so just do it.

Always saying yes

How many times in the past have you said yes to things or to people just because you didn’t want to offend them? Or you wanted to please them?

Remember, you have the right to say no.

What would you add to this list? Let us know in the comments below! And have a WONDERFUL year in 2022!

With love,
Breverie team 💖

Originally published at https://blog.thebreverie.com on December 31, 2021.



Olena Mytruk

Life design coach & mentor for professional and entrepreneurial women